My Experince In BootCamp-Day 4

Adrian Sebuliba
1 min readJul 6, 2017


Today is the 4th day-session one of the Andela bootcamp. Just like the past 3days, some tasks provided were a bit involved and challenging compared to the others but i’m still learning plenty and appreciating the knowledge i have gained so far.

Today, i received constructive feedback from my Andela facilitator for the previous day and thanks to that feedback i’m working on improving my blogging skills. I have been able to help a fellow bootcamper on how to use CSS to layout a web page and how to properly structure a website project. Creating a google’s home page was one of the tasks to be accomplished in today’s session. In the process, i have been also been able to learn professional grade CSS extension language-SASS along the way which i had never used before i realized that SASS makes CSS fun to use. As a result of helping out a friend i was able to learn some thing new and fun.

In today’s session i was able to learn new things and I look forward to tomorrow. I will keep you updated on my journey through the bootcamp experience. I welcome to all kinds of feedback . You may give me advice on how to improve upon my blog posts about my journey to becoming an Andelan.

